Arizona Department of Education
Digital Enrollment and Electronic Signatures for EL Forms
Disclaimer: The Arizona Department of Education is providing this guidance as technical assistance to the field. This guidance is not legal advice. If you have any legal questions, please consult an attorney.

The following state-approved English learner forms may not be altered in any way and require a legal signature. Whether used in a digital or physical format, forms shall remain separate from other district and school-site forms to ensure that the purpose and process for completing the form are adequately communicated to parents and/or guardians.
A single signature collected for all forms completed at enrollment does not meet the requirements of state-approved English learner forms. 

Below are the requirements for LEAs using an online enrollment system to disseminate and collect English learner forms from parents and/or guardians: 
  1. Digital forms must include all text, or verbiage, from the federal and state-approved physical form.
  2. Forms requiring a legal signature must comply with Arizona law and state policy. Under A.R.S. § 18-106(C) and ADOA ASET Policy 5070, an electronic signature must be unique to the person using it, must be capable of verification, and shall not be able to be altered without invalidating the signature (or must maintain evidence of the deletion or alteration). 
It is the responsibility of the LEA to accurately retain electronic records for future use or review and ensure that legal requirements are met.

Adobe PDF.Net and DocuSign are examples of valid platforms for e-signatures. Other platforms are available but must be confirmed to be compliant with state law on e-signatures.

Below are strong recommendations for LEAs using an online enrollment system to disseminate and collect English learner forms from parents and/or guardians:
  • Forms should not include a drop-down menu that offers a list of options. 
  • Forms should remain separate from other district and school-site forms to ensure that the purpose and process for completing the form are communicated to parents and/or guardians. 
A single signature collected for forms completed at enrollment does not meet the requirements of state-approved English learner forms because it does not ensure that the parents and/or guardians have seen and understand the purpose of these forms.

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